Super-Speedy Weeknight Dinners, Starring Trader Joe’s Garlic Naan

It all began with an evening of mild panic. I’d been invited to a friend’s dinner, and she’d asked me at the eleventh hour if I could bring a “fairly substantial homemade appetizer.” Even on the most harried of days I’m not a last-minute person: My sense of balance is dependent on the careful planning and precise execution of life events. To add to it, grocery shopping was the very last thing I wanted to run out to do on a winter’s night.

I rummaged frantically through my fridge and cabinets, and all I found were bits and pieces. I opened my freezer in despair—could I disguise something in there as homemade?—and there, waving happily at me from the back of it, were two packets of Trader Joe’s garlic naan.


from Food52

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